Spring – ministries, in-person classes, last projects, and graduation

Spring – ministries, in-person classes, last projects, and graduation

News about the ministry

God continues to bless our young with various ministry opportunities. Recently, he allowed us to start an online Sunday school!

At the beginning of March, one international church in Budapest has asked us to help them with Sunday school. We gathered a team of 7 BI (Bible institute) students and started preparing. So in the middle of April, we started hosting the first classes. Gabrielė and I volunteered to teach the preschool children. It was a surprise to us, but teaching 4 to 6 year-old children through ZOOM was quite efficient. We ended the Sunday school with an in-person visit to the church on May 23rd.

Summer plans finalized

After some time in prayer and supplication, we decided that it would be the wisest to do our summer ministry here in Word of Life Hungary. We will start our ministry internship right after graduation (so the very next week). We will spend 3 weeks preparing for camps, and then serving for 5 weeks in the camps. We pray that we could use the ministry experience in Hungary to organize camps in Lithuania later.

Classes and self-published Theology booklet

The school year is coming to an end. Nevertheless, we continue to be diligent and persevere in our studies. After more than 5 months. from the 19th of April, the Hungarian Government allowed us to have in-person classes! This is such a blessing for all the students and teachers.

We finished The New Testament Survey classes. Hard to believe, but right now it is the last week of classes and we will be finished our one-year course in the Bible institute. I am delighted that God provided us with this amazing experience to know Him better.

In Systematic Theology, we have just covered the last subject – eschatology. It is a biblical discipline about the end times. At the end of the course, we had to present a project. Within our group, we decided to write a booklet called “Systematic Theology for Dummies”. In the booklet, we summarized core theology doctrines and added some nice diagrams. You can download the booklet in PDF and print it for yourself here.

Transformed life

Today I am going to tell you a story about a guy from my dormitory. Jonathan S. is a 24-year-old German and this is his testimony:

“I was raised in a Christian household and believed since I began to think on my own. But sadly my faith wasn´t strong enough. And then circumstances that were pretty bad brought me away from God. I didn´t stop believing in him, but I was disappointed and questioned many things. I stopped seeing the higher meaning behind human existence and my critical view on human governments didn´t make it easier.

I didn´t care about anything anymore. The result was alcohol, drugs, criminal behavior, and so on… So this was going on for years. Many really bad things happened that should have made me realize that I need to change, but I didn´t. But how to change? 

God gave me his hand and I accepted his offer to come back. I did so many bad things, also to myself, that the grace he has given me through the forgiveness of my sins felt even bigger. I was overwhelmed by his truth that is not dependant on the world. I knew all the time that Jesus died for my sins to make me pure but now I humbled myself and accepted that I need him and that he is the only one that can save me. 

Then he led me to Word of Life Bible Institute and here I learned so much. The theological knowledge gave my faith a strong foundation. Whether in society, in friendships, in relationships, I learned how to apply Christianity everywhere. This happened through devotions, discipleship, and also the normal day situations. I can only recommend coming here. It will be a blessing for you, and more importantly, you can be an even better blessing to others!”

Jonathan feels God calling to become a pastor in his home country. Next year he is going to continue his studies in a theology seminary in Germany.

Student life

The first half of April we were still in a lock-down. We could not even go to the store. But God provided us with warm weather, so together with other students, we spent our free time playing volleyball and ultimate frisbee on campus territory.

In the second half of April, the restrictions went down in Hungary. We could once again have mentorship groups outside the institute territory. Also, all the students that had to leave due to quarantine were able to come back now.

The entire month of May was full of activities: talent show, mission conference, Gabrielė’s birthday, Pentecost. I will talk a little more about the missions conference, as it was the first time for us to be in an event like this.

Mission conference – it’s a 2-3 day event and the main point is to encourage young Christians to think about missions fields or ways of contributing to other missionaries.

The conference was one of the best experiences in the BI. The next year they are planning to have the conference on the last weekend of January. If you would like to visit us in Hungary or visit the Bible Institute, I recommend doing it during the next conference. We will gladly accept everyone!

Other news

We wanted to invite you to watch our graduation ceremony online on the 29th of May, 11 AM (CET). The link to the ceremony: live.wolhungary.org

Also, we have started looking for a team of prayer and giving partners for our second year in the Bible Institute. In order for us to continue our preparation for ministry in Lithuania, we need to cover our next year’s living expenses and tuition fees. If God is leading you to invest in Gabrielė and me, contact us!

Moreover, it is very important that we would have a group of people who could support us with their prayers. Please continue praying for our young family periodically.

Prayer requests

  • Pray that God would help us to finish our first year in the BI well and that he would continue preparing for us a way to come back.
  • Pray that God would prepare the good soil in the hearts of Hungarian children to accept the gospel during summer camps.