Hello, beloved ones. This is our first blog post about our journey in the month of August.
First of all, after three weeks of developing our website during July, we have finally launched our crowdfunding campaign at the beginning of August. It was very exciting because we did not expect that so many friends will share it on their Facebook feed. Also, not only did we receive donations, but some of the donors have sent us very encouraging and inspirational messages. To add some numbers, we have collected about 1000 euros through online networking from ~20 individuals. Additionally, we were able to share our plans with Vilnius Grace Baptist Church and they raised 460 euros for us. To sum up, we have collected about half of the total sum (3500 euros), which we need to cover our all year’s expenses, in one month. And we praise the Lord for this.
Secondly, God has provided Arnas with an online job. He has been looking for a job in call centers or customer support positions after his last school exam in the middle of summer. He sent like 20 or 30 CV’s and went to ~4 job interviews. Some of the employers only wanted to hire him as an intern and to start paying salary after 3 months. Others did not like that he was only applying for a part-time job (20h/week). We prayed about it and since we had some savings, we have decided to focus more on our relationship. The summer went on and three weeks ago a friend of Arnas shared on Facebook that one friend of his is looking for a part-time digital marketing assistant. Arnas didn’t have a lot of experience there, he had launched several online stores before, although. He sent a message and soon he was given a good-paying part-time job, which he can do on a laptop from anywhere. And the best part is that his employer is also a Christian ;))
We still have a month before our school year in Word of Life Bible Institute. Therefore we have decided to spend that time in Austria. Gabrielė went here for a few summers now: lived in a Christian family and helped them where needed, mostly taking care of children. We came here last week, after a 14-hour drive from Lituania we finally reached Trumau - a small village just outside Vienna (the capital of Austria). This is our first time being here together. We are blessed to be able to share our time and love with this amazing family and their three little children (ages are 6, 4, and 2 years old). Each day we spend around 4 hours working on a farm. In two weeks it will be vineyard harvest time. Therefore we help to prepare for it: we lift the fallen vine trees, install new poles for holding the vines, arrange the path for the passage of the tractor. Gabrielė is having a blast spending time with children, every day she thinks of a new creative way to spend their time: yesterday she and the eldest girl made a pile of fruit out of plasticine, and today she taught two older children to paint on an easel.
We also have a lot of good time outside of the farm, every other day we go to see a new park, a new city, a new amazing place. We are so blessed to be here, and we hope we will experience and learn so much more till the end of September.
Prayer request:
As Hungary has strictly closed its borders, the Word of Life Bible Institute foreign students were not able to get special permission to come to Hungary. Please, pray that God would provide a way for WoL students to come to Hungary and that His will would be above all else.